Thursday, 28 April 2011

Four most influential women in my life.

With no rain on the forecast it has been a slow and determined effort to kick start all my young prodigies in the garden to grow and flourish. I have been double miffed by this unseasonable lack of water and the realisation that chickens are the most destructive and careless creatures if left to run free in a garden. Mike did say that the chicie chicks should be encouraged to stay in the heneriea but I have enjoyed watching them strut around the gardens until they started to scratch out in every area that I have been planting in. OK then, Mike was right and a plan is in a very advanced stage to heighten the fence and discourage that little hop and flutter the girls have developed to get themselves  precariously over their wire boundary.  The Cock whom I love dearly because he has the truest doodle doodle I have heard has fallen ill. He is over weight and totally inept at doing what he was put on this earth to do but despite all of that when I saw him down on his haunches I started to cry and ran into Mike blubbing “cock down” . Mike in his patient and knowing way got the poor fella back on his feet and for three days we watched his behaviour. On Tuesday night I had to place him in the Duck Palace as he was unable to sit himself up. I covered the entrance with tarpaulin to keep the draught off and told my Mum that he would be dead by dawn. Imagine my inner smile and  joy when I heard him doodle in the morning and last night he climbed himself into the hen house and this evening although a little unsteady on his pins actually looks a lot better…..but we know that pets have a habit of showing a little rally of good health before kicking the bucket and making me cry

My three sisters came to pick up my Mum yesterday and stayed over night so we could have a few precious hours together and a jolly good time we have had.  Maggie had not been here since our first year so she saw a huge change to the garden and I couldn’t believe that Mim had not even seen the kitchen changes so there was lots of ooing and ahhing and if you follow this blog regularly you will know that people wowing at me gives the greatest of pleasure. In a time warp of twenty four hours we must have got through enough food for twenty with the catch up chat fast and funny. We invented three extra sleeping arrangements in the house and all had a good nights sleep. So this morning HOSS got a chatting gang to walk on the beach with and after lunch before we knew it our time was up and Gigi’s  car was backing out of the drive with a precious cargo of the four most influential women in my life.

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